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A large building with a clock tower on top of it

Student Information

Student Information

Welcome to Kinross Wolaroi School! Our New Student Information page is designed to guide families through the next steps after enrolment. From key dates and uniform guidelines to orientation details and academic expectations, we provide everything you need to ensure a smooth transition into our vibrant school community.


Textbook & Stationery Lists

Information Communications Technology (ICT)

Performing Arts


Sport information is distributed to families via the Hub. Selections are made by students for each summer and winter season and the options sometimes vary from year to year. There are separate offerings for the Senior and Junior Schools.

Learning Support

Information about Learning Support, Homework Club and Gifted & Talented Mentor can be found in the Senior School Handbook.

Travel Information

Exchange Students


To view information about our school uniforms and shop, please head to our Uniform page.

After School & Vacation Care

Kinross Wolaroi School is proud to partner with Gowrie NSW to provide outstanding before and after school care and vacation programs, conveniently onsite at Kinross Wolaroi.

Find out more here.